What is CPAP Therapy?
CPAP therapy otherwise known as constant positive airway pressure is the gold standard choice in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea boasting a significantly higher success rate than corrective surgery or dental appliances in moderate to severe cases. A pressure is applied gently to the airway to relieve flaccid anatomical muscle tone during sleep through an externally affixed mask. The patient’s perception is that similar to a fan, that translates into an airway splint or pressure to keep the airway open during sleep. Through repetitive use and as their pre-treatment symptoms subside, improved breathing is achieved. Most patients become accustomed to use and gradually become unaware or unbothered by the therapy. Refer to pictorials for visual impression of therapy.
Have you been diagnosed but could not continue CPAP Therapy – We Can Help!
After a sleep test, he quickly set up my husband with a sleep machine, and our lives have not been the same!! My hubby said good-bye to restless legs, and lack of energy, and we are both enjoying the benefits of feeling rested!
Anatomy of a Blocked Airway
Additional Alberta Locations for your convenience.
3701 50th Ave Red, Red Deer, AB T4N 3Y7
Call: 1-888-286-2318
Mon – Fri 8:30am – 4:30pm
#63 4307 130Ave SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3V8 Canada
Located in South Trail Crossing shopping centre across from Co-op supermarket.
Mon – Thur 8:30am – 5:30pm
Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
5149 Country Hills Blvd NW #202 Calgary, AB T3A 5K8
Corner of Sarcee and Country Hills Blvd in the Super Store Plaza
Mon – Thur 8:30am – 5:30pm
Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm